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The new GA Google Analytics property ID is not working on SmugMug – what to do?

Google has changed the code for Google Analytics, which has made the tracking code not work correctly with some services – for example, SmugMug. I am sure that SmugMug will update their code soon to support the new GA ID numbers – but in the meantime – there is a workaround.

Google still allows you to generate the old UA number – instead of the new GA number, which you can use on your SmugMug account. Here is how to do this.

Log in to your Google Analytics account and click the CREATE ACCOUNT button – see my screenshot:

Create account on Google Analytics

Fill out all of the information and in the SECOND step { property setup } make sure that you open the SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS link – see my screenshot:

show advanced options in google analytics

In the ADVANCED OPTIONS you will need to turn on the CREATE A UNIVERSAL ANALYTICS PROPERTY → enter your SmugMug website link → at the bottom select the option to CREATE A UNIVERSAL ANALYTICS PROPERTY ONLY – see my screenshot:

create universal analytics property only

Fill out all the remaining information and you will then see a page with your UA number. Copy this number and open your SmugMug account settings → open STATS → GOOGLE ANALYTICS → paste your UA property number – like this:

Google analytics on SmugMug

That is it :} It may take up to 24 hours for you to start seeing stats on your Google Analytics account.

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