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Adding phone number to the standard SmugMug contact form

Today I will show you how to add a phone number to the standard SmugMug contact form.  The contact form has a very limited customisation option – but there is an easy way to add a little bit more information – like a phone number.

How to do this?

You just need to make sure that you have added a contact form to your site – here is a great tutorial on how to do this.

You then need to open your site → click CUSTOMIZE → CONTENT AND DESIGN → select the THEME tab → hover your cursor over the active theme that you are using and click the wrench icon → this will open a small popup window – like this one:

Adding phone number to the standard SmugMug contact form

Open the ADVANCED tab and scroll down until you see an option to add CUSTOM CSS → click the EDIT button and then add this code to it:

/*Adding Phone number to the standard SmugMug contact form*/
.sm-contact-pro-form:after {
    content: "Or give us a call! Tel: 0115 - 234 - 567" !important; /*This is where your text and phone number goes*/
    margin-left: 20px; /*This is a left margin to align the text with the rest of the form*/
    font-weight: bold;  /*This code will make the phone number text bold*/
    color: #ffffff;  /*This will change the phone number text white */

Just don’t forget to change the phone number in the above CSS code :}  Here is the end result:

Adding phone number to the standard SmugMug contact form

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